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Vinson’s Well Test Manager supports well testing of up to 64 wells via a test separator.
Our application provides SCADA-friendly transfer of well test reports for immediate access and validation by company personnel. While tracking the “equivalent oil/gas/water per day” data for well tests, the application can provide multiple test train scenarios on a single ROC800 or FB107.


  • TESTING FOR UP TO 64 WELLS: Vinson’s well test manager application samples from a test separator containing gas meters and liquid meters and can determine allocation volumes for up to 64 wells. Our application supports up to three well testing systems simultaneously in a single RTU for flexible operations and supports multiple operation scenarios: 11 wells X 1,2 or 3 testers at its smallest, mid-size operations at 32 wells X 1 or 2 testers and a full 64 wells X 1 tester at its largest.
  • AUTOMATIC OR MANUAL WELL TESTING: Vinson’s Well Test Manager is built to operate manually or automatically. Manual use allows for the user to manually align the header valves and start/stop the well test on the selected well. While automatic mode (available for the 11 well version only) streamlines the entire process, automatically starting and stopping the well test based on individual test times including pre- and post-purge operations. The automated version can also auto-validate results based on your acceptance parameters to continue or stop the process as needed.
  • WELL TEST REPORTS: Our application provides well test reports that allow you to accept or reject tests automatically or manually. You can set up validation criteria including gas correction factor minimum threshold, current vs. last tolerance for gas, oil and water factors, and has the option to hold last test results that allow a retest before both are accepted or rejected into the test report (one set of hold registers for all wells). Reports for the current and previously validated tests for each well are stored in program records or Soft Point tables, each easily accessible by SCADA systems. Wells can be re-inserted into the automated testing schedule for a retest without restructuring the schedule for a one time retest as needed.