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For remote control of any quarter-turn application: ball, butterfly, rotary plug or damper style valves, etc.
To be used in chemical process, food and beverage, iron and steel, off-shore marine, pharmaceutical, power, oil and gas, pulp and paper, and textile industries. 

Stainless steel spring return and double acting pneumatic quarter-turn actuators. 
Output torques to 26890 Nm.

Biffi Morin Stainless Steel Yoke Actuators

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Biffi Morin S Low Pressure Actuator


Supply pressure
3 to 11 bar (see torque charts)
Supply medium
Air or any gas compatible with materials of construction
Output torques
Up to 158,200 Nm
Standard range
-29°C to 99°C
Optional range
-54°C to 149°C
Angular rotation
90 degrees (adjustable between 82 and 98 degrees)
Mounting pattern
ISO 5211
IP66; IP68 (optional)
SIL3 rated


  • Innovative stainless steel construction provides superior internal and external corrosion resistance
  • Scotch yoke design using precision bearings eliminates dead band in the yoke mechanism, providing the greatest torque output at the beginning and end of stroke
  • High strength 17-4 PH stainless output shaft transmits torque and gives long service life
  • Heat-treated stainless steel thrust pin and rollers transfer piston force to yoke to reduce friction for longer life and more efficient torque transmission
  • Bi-directional travel stops provide accurate valve rotation adjustment
  • PTFE piston bearings, piston rod bushings and output shaft bushings provide longer life, reduce maintenance and require no lubrication
  • Universal design position indicator and pointer allows for either parallel or perpendicular mounting
  • Stainless steel construction allows proximity switches to be direct-mounted in the actuator housing, eliminating the need to mount bracket and cam assemblies on top
  • NAMUR drive slot maintains a compact assembly for accessory-driven components with no couplings necessary
  • Available in symmetrical and canted yoke design to suit application
  • Spring return model design requires no special tools to disarm springs safely and easily, reducing down time